Wolves, Beanie Babies, and Unicorns are cool...
Hey, I'm the host of this website!!!!!!!
Hey, Mystery here, and I'm the host of this website. I'm here to tells you all about wolves and Beanie Babies. And, of course a little about Unicorns. We all hope to update soon, and get more info and cute pictures of me and my friends!!!!!
Wolves are the coolest. There used to be thousands of them in North America, but when the settlers came in the sixteen hundreds,they thoguht of wolves as evil omens of death. They saw the wolves kill other animals and livestock, and ordered for them to be destroyed. Many wolves were burned or hanged, just for their very way of life. Now, there are rules protecting wolves. The main problem: the wolves in Yellowstone Park have been killing livestock. They have nowhere else to go, and they may be exterminated! Write to the World Wildlife Fund to help the wolves. Watch out Riley!
Hi, I'm Riley, Mystery's frien. i am a carnivore, but I'm no omen of death!
Peace dudes, I'm getting Dizzy. I'm spinner and I represent all the beanies out there!
Beanie Babies are a craze that struck the nation and the world in 1996. It hasn't stopped yet! These cuddly creatures are made by a company called TY and there are over 200 of them! Right now, McDonald's food chain is having a promotion in which they give out Teenie Beanie Babies with their Happy Meals. It's a big success. They have issued the following beanies:1)Freckles 2)Antsy 3)Smoochy 4)Spunky 5)Rocket 6)Iggy 7)Strut 8)Nuts 9)Claude 10)Stretchy 11)'Nook 12)Chip
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